Immigration Medicals

  • Westgate Medical Centre has been a member of the onshore panel of doctors for Immigration New Zealand since 2014. The medicals are processed electronically through New Zealand Immigration's eMedical system. 

    You can have your Medical Exam, Chest X-ray and blood tests completed on the same day.

    For bookings please complete the registration form below and we will contact you as soon as we can to arrange an  appointment.

    Our Fees are available here. 

    Please Note: Our fees do not include the cost of X-rays or Blood Tests.

    Other Countries Immigration Medicals

    We can provide Immigration Medicals for countries requiring Paper-based medicals. The cost of these will be assessed dependent on the tests required. Please contact reception on 09 833 3134.

    Australian Immigration Medicals

    We do not provide Immigration Medicals for Australia.

    If you have any questions, please contact reception on 09 833 3134.

  • Registration Form

    (as it appears on your passport)
    (as it appears on your passport)
    (such as Visit/ Study/ Work/ Residency visa)

    Pre-Appointment Instructions

    • You must bring your original passport, and it must have a current expiry date.  We do not accept any other forms of identification.
    • If you cannot speak English to a good, conversational level, you must organise and bring an interpreter to the appointment. Family members and friends cannot be used as interpreters.
    • If you are aged under 18 years, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
    • If you wear glasses or contact lenses you must bring these with you.
    • If you have any significant or ongoing medical conditions, or take regular medication, please bring supporting documentation from your regular medical provider or specialist.
    • If you are pregnant, you must bring a letter from your midwife or doctor confirming your estimated due date.
    • A urine sample will be required. Please ensure you are well hydrated prior to your appointment. Females, if you are menstruating, we are unable to test your urine until at least 3 days after your period finishes.
    • A full body medical examination will need to be carried out by the doctor. You will be asked to remove all your clothing, except your underwear. If you have religious or cultural beliefs which may impact on this, please discuss this with us prior to making your appointment. We have both male and female doctors available.
    • You will need to read and sign a client declaration at your appointment. Please ensure you have pre-read this prior to your appointment.
    • You must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your first appointment as you will need to complete a patient information form at reception.
    • Failure to comply with any of the above instructions may mean we have to cancel your appointment on the day and charge you a doctor’s consultation fee for the unused appointment.
    • Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to appointment will incur a doctor’s consultation fee for the unused appointment.